A Brief Conversation about Beliefs

Doug: Everything is based on the principle of independent observation and the subatomic world is always in a place of all possibilities until observed… and we know that nothing exists on the outside, that it is created by the mind so that we really don’t see the “reality of things… that it is possible through or upon examining something we can wrestle with our assumptions, opinions, beliefs, expectations and therefore… Predict a different outcome during our next observation… Possibly

Mohamed Hassan/Pixabay

Larry: I think that's pretty much what happens. Quantum physics tells us that on the subatomic level, you can't predict what your next observation will be but only the statistical likelihood of any particular result. On the macro, human scale, however, you can be certain, in my opinion, that the way the world shows up for you will directly reflect your "assumptions, opinions, beliefs, and expectations." That's the way a human being can recover the personal power that was given away to those bigger people who raised and educated us into the ways of the world (mostly with good intentions, but that's another story).

Doug: Excellent response Larry… I shall continue to look into your work. Thank you.

Do you think we can we really change our core beliefs, those stories which keep us stuck in old patterns?

This is something I have wrestled with for decades, and I share my insights in Hoodwinked: Uncovering Our Fundamental Superstitions. As a scientist, modern physics offered me powerful examples of how getting unstuck from unexamined assumptions can open up an entire field of new possibilities.

Do you think this is the way forward to shake off our old patterns? I’d love to know what you think. Please feel free to share your insights under “Contact,” and I’ll share them if appropriate.


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A Wonderful Conversation