No amount of cleverness in how we try to control our conditions and circumstances will overcome our fundamental misunderstandings about life.

But exposing them will empower us by allowing us to base our choices on what is real, rather than on what our culture presents. It’s amazing what that change of perspective can do for one's satisfaction in life!

We build our own reality.

I invite you to watch a short video explaining my thoughts on this idea of building our own reality. Just click the play button!

Why would anyone wish to think differently about life?  To enhance the quality of life?  To make it more satisfying?

On this website, you will find an approach that will guide you in discovering a vantage point that will transform your experience of living.

Check out the posts on the Insight Blog, the podcast episodes, and the books, Hoodwinked and The Seer’s Explanation.  You might find what you’ve been looking for!

How, and Why, To Think Differently About Life

Larry Gottlieb

Quantum Physics and Spirituality

How Can Quantum Physics Be Related to Spirituality?

Contrary to what common sense would lead us to believe, quantum physics describes the world in terms of probabilities, and probabilities are just possibilities where some are more likely to occur than others.  According to quantum theory, there is no single world existing “out there” independent of its observation, as most of us have come to believe.  Rather, the world we experience is the most likely of multiple possibilities.

How are we humans supposed to make sense of this?  How can there be a multiplicity of possible worlds when we experience only one?

The key to this mystery is to understand that the world each of us experiences is the product of an interpretation of sensory data. That data, entirely electrical in nature, is the only link we have to the world.  Since we are the ones that do the interpreting, we determine the world we experience.

Our culture tells us that the world is external and durable, and that it serves as the container in which our lives take place.  Inverting that relationship places the world we experience inside the container that consists of our awareness.  We choose the world we experience by focusing our attention on the thoughts we choose to think.

Possibility is the nexus, or connection, between quantum physics and spirituality.  Quantum physics describes the world in terms of weighted possibilities, and spirituality calls us forward to a broader sense of the possibilities of being human.

In Hoodwinked: Exploring Our Culture’s Profound Illusions, author Larry Gottlieb explores how and why our beliefs keep us from being as powerful as we could be.

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“A gentle soul with a brilliant mind and a soft heart, Larry Gottlieb takes us through life’s journeys within the labyrinth of twists and challenges to its Center, that place where higher consciousness resides. With his background in physics, his books and talks lead us to understanding the connection between the quantum realm and spirituality, opening us to a deeper connection to the Self.”

Jeanne’ Soulsby

Something I have always enjoyed with Larry:  we have always been teachers and explorers … same journey but different conclusions (or is that the other way around?) We both find it funny how grownups avoid talking about things that arouse the most curiosity in children… I’ve always liked how Larry will be so natural and conversational about these things.  (If you’ve picked up his book or listened to him talk, you know what kinds of things I mean.)

If we are willing to experience uncertainty, we get the satisfaction of discovery. The risk of some vertigo returns a glimpse a broader expanse from a different altitude. The trip home isn’t complete until you communicate something to a dear friend … and maybe launch a few others onto their own flights …

People like Larry are always cleared to land on my runways.

Barry J.Schwartz, Ph.D.

“I have known Larry Gottlieb for almost sixty years. He has the finest mind of anyone I know (and as MIT graduates we know some pretty smart people!) Since graduating college, Larry has been on a continuous personal quest to understand the universe and our place in it.

“While I have always admired his intelligence, over the years I have become more aware of the greatness of his heart and the warmth of his spirituality. I hope he continues to share with others the joy and knowledge gained on his personal journey for many years to come.”

Michael Rosenblum, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker