A Conversion about the Observer Effect
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

A Conversion about the Observer Effect

The world is magical and mysterious, it’s awesome and unfathomable. It is our certainty that we already know what the world is and how it works that blinds us to the magic and the mystery. Our certainty blocks the awe that we could feel in experiencing the wonder of it all. And our belief that we can fully understand the world deprives us of the joy of appreciating its mysteries… especially the mysteries about ourselves.

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Living into the Looking Glass
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Living into the Looking Glass

We “all know” that the world is permanent while we transients come and go. We are convinced that the physical world is senior to us, in that it exists much as it appears to us, whether or not there is anyone or anything around to perceive it. This relationship between the permanent and the transient is part of the worldview we all subscribe to; it’s almost never questioned.

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The End of Common Sense
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

The End of Common Sense

Twentieth century physics represents a profound turning point in the history of science. It marks the time when we as a culture had to leave behind the comfortable world of common sense, where physics agreed with and supported what “we all know” about the world

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What Does Quantum Theory Mean?
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

What Does Quantum Theory Mean?

I find that I no longer believe in the finiteness of any of that which is required for the most joyful and satisfying experience of life.

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Why Haven’t We Destroyed Ourselves yet?
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Why Haven’t We Destroyed Ourselves yet?

While traveling in Guatemala in 2022, my wife and I had the opportunity to attend a Mayan cacao ceremony. There were about 25 of us, arranged in a circle on the floor. She and I were easily twice as old as the rest of our fellow attendees. After some prayers and readings and drinking more unsweetened cacao than I ever imagined consuming, the leader of the ceremony told us a story about this time in human evolution. To the best of my recollection, this is what she said.

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On Making the World a Better Place
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On Making the World a Better Place

“I just read your new post. As long as you concentrate on the quantum stuff, you leave me in the dust. I’m anxious for you to get to the part where you suggest how we can alter our perception to make our world a better place.”

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Sometimes We Feel Powerless
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Sometimes We Feel Powerless

I hear thoughts in “my head” that sound a lot like that. I also hear those thoughts articulated by young children… so, maybe things haven’t changed as much as I might like to believe they have!

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Why Did I Do That?
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Why Did I Do That?

If perception were actually about detecting and evaluating what is actually there, we would be aware in every moment of the superposition of multiple possible configurations of the world. And… we’re not.

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Living Into the Looking-Glass
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Living Into the Looking-Glass

If you decide to treat the world as if it reflects your beliefs, you will find yourself recovering the power you gave away when you had to depend on bigger people for your every need when you were young. You’ll find yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life. You’ll discover yourself as a creator of worlds, specifically the one you’re looking at right now.

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On the Spirituality of Physics: Three
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On the Spirituality of Physics: Three

When we look at the world as an interpretation of something that is in itself essentially unknowable, optimizing our experience is no longer about solving problems or trying to change conditions. Instead, it is about crafting our interpretations to optimize the quality of our experience.

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A Big-Picture Story
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

A Big-Picture Story

She said, “You were part of the first wave. You, and others after you, came forth to hold that space of possibility through some relatively dark times.”

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On the Spirituality of Physics: Two
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On the Spirituality of Physics: Two

Twentieth century physics represents a profound turning point in the history of science. It marks the time when we as a culture had to leave behind the comfortable world of common sense, where physics agreed with and supported what “we all know” about the world.

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On the Spirituality of Physics: One
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On the Spirituality of Physics: One

I believe the Universe has a multitude of these love languages, enough so that each of us can hear at least one and be drawn back by love to the Source of all that is. The one I first heard, many decades ago, was physics. I know it sounds odd, but bear with me…

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My Invented Self is Struggling
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

My Invented Self is Struggling

That persona I was building back then became an “invented self.” I shaped it in order to find ways to feel safe and valued and, well, significant. Constructing that invented self required virtually all my time and energy, and there wasn’t much of it left to remember my true Self.

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On Being a Guardrail
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On Being a Guardrail

Some of us carry within ourselves enough awareness of what we all desire to reach for that awareness in spite of the nearly overwhelming force of the Ego. We are aware that our true desire is peace, collaboration, and the highest good of all, and not the sham gratifications of conflict, competition, and “every man for himself.”

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My Covid Silver Lining
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

My Covid Silver Lining

On the plus side, I’ve had the opportunity to contemplate the nature of struggle, in this case the effort to avoid something as natural and commonplace as swallowing. I know a little bit more now about why some people pray, and why some will try almost anything to deal with pain.

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Quantum Physics and Spirituality
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Quantum Physics and Spirituality

For myself, and I believe for a growing number of us, there comes a time when our description of the world, what we’ve been taught about life and about our presence here on Earth, is no longer satisfying. Spirituality is the name given to the search for a better explanation and, in the process, a more fulfilling life

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A Toddler’s Ego?
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

A Toddler’s Ego?

When a child is born, and even before birth, its parents begin to talk to it, describing the world into which it has emerged, telling it of their feelings and intentions for it, and so on. These descriptions constitute aspects of the parents’ worldview and are always consistent with that view. Over time, the child absorbs this view as it attempts to learn the language or languages its parents use. This is the acculturation process, and for most of us it is required for successful participation in our own particular culture. But where does its ego come from?

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The Maternal Instinct Controversy
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

The Maternal Instinct Controversy

There is a widespread cultural assumption that women have a built-in maternal instinct that kicks in (for most) when a child is born. This view is the result of believing that to do rigorous science we must disregard the role that consciousness plays in the unfolding of the physical world.

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The Observer Effect in Psychology
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

The Observer Effect in Psychology

In psychology, the observer effect is the name given to the phenomenon that occurs when the subject of a study alters their behavior because they are aware of the observer's presence. This results in incorrect data: the researcher records behavior that is not the way the subject actually behaves when not under observation. It turns out that this phenomenon describes the vast majority of our behavior.

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