About results

Nancy S. asks:

What results have you seen in your own life as a result of this explanation?


Hi Nancy. Thanks for the question!  It’s a really good one, because it brings up a great aspect of the explanation.  If you ever read or watched The Secret, you saw in great graphic detail our cultural orientation towards tangible results, mostly in the area of money and having stuff.  But as Esther Hicks has pointed out over and over, we want what we think we want because we think it’ll make us feel better.  What we’re really after is feeling good, and our culture has taught us that we’ll feel better if we can only get that whatever-it-is.

My results are really profound for me, and they’re largely in the area of feeling better.  The story from the book about turning my mother from an antagonist into a life coach and once again being in the presence of my deep and abiding love for her is as wonderful a result as I could ever have hoped for, and it really resonates with other people.  I gave a talk at Explore Bookshop in Aspen last night, and several people told me how much that story meant to them.  And that transformation is a direct result of the explanation.

I’m still working on “fame and fortune” type stuff.  And who knows, maybe that’ll happen and maybe it won’t!


Contrasting explanations


Testing The Seer’s Explanation