About That Election…

I’ve been asked by several people to share a broader perspective on the election of 2016.  I will begin by saying that it is my deeply held conviction that Spirit, All-That-Is, all knowing and all loving, lives and listens within the heart of each of us.  It wants nothing more than to fulfill the deepest desires of every one of us.

But isn’t everybody’s deepest desire different?  Well, I also believe that the deepest desire in every human being is for a better life and to feel better about life.  Having said that, it seems obvious, especially given the events of the last fifteen years, that while for many of us, a better life looks like more freedom, more self-expression, better health and more love, for some of us, a better life looks like more control, more repression, and more suppression of opposing ways of life and points of view.

Humor me for a moment…  I have had the experience of pouring a cup of water on the top of a gnarly old rock and watching the water find its way to the bottom of the rock along the path of least resistance.  I believe that principle applies as well to this idea of Spirit desiring only to bring about the better world that all humans yearn for.  In my view, Spirit is bringing about that better world along the path of least resistance.  I can’t prove that assertion intellectually, of course.  I just choose to believe that.

What does this idea offer as a broader perspective on the recent election?  Perhaps that there was and is, along the path to our better world, less resistance to Donald Trump being president than there was and is to Hillary Clinton being president.

If that’s the case, the question becomes: how are those of us who didn’t support Mr. Trump to take heart in spite of his election?  By focusing more steadfastly on the phrase “better world along the path” than on the word “resistance.”  In other words, and in terms of my own experience, my belief in Spirit’s intent is stronger than my worry about what Mr. Trump might do or not do. 

And for those who are so inclined, we can go a bit deeper into the nature of what we call the world.  What about, we may well ask, all the damage that the “wrong” president might do in the country and the world along this “path to a better world?”  Step back even more.  Step back to an even broader perspective.  Quantum physicists showed us, in the first part of the last century, that there is no world until it is perceived.  In other words, when we ask “is the world in trouble,” there simply is no world apart from our perception and our experience of it.  There simply is no “is”.  There is only my experience of the world and your experience of the world. 

We always have the option to reach for a broader perspective in which Spirit, in all its unconditional love and limitless knowledge of possibilities, is in full awareness of the path of least resistance for each of us to the experience we desire.  And, of course, we always have the option to instead remain focused on that which we resist, that which we don’t want.  It’s our choice, always.

For more, I invite you to check out my new book, Hoodwinked: Uncovering our Fundamental Superstitions. It will show you how to discover that broader perspective within yourself!


What’s the Matter with Common Sense?


Knowing how it turns out…