Knowing how it turns out…

Yesterday I watched the Indianapolis Colts versus “my” Denver Broncos, having recorded the game last Sunday.  Because I follow the news to some degree, naturally I already knew how the game turned out.


Perspective through knowing

As I watched the game I found myself getting nervous when the Broncos made mistakes or missed opportunities to score.  I would cringe when something “bad” happened and I would feel relief when a crisis of sorts was averted.  And then I would remember that the Broncos actually won the game.  That happened quite a few times.

What a great metaphor for life!  Now, I guess if you believe that life ends at what we call death, then this particular post may not be particularly useful.  But if you’ve read Hoodwinked: Uncovering our Fundamental Superstitions, or if you have been reading this blog, you know that I regard this comic drama we call life as something that we will awaken from.  I know, deep down in my true Being, that our sojourn on this planet is temporary and that we will awaken to a much larger, more “real” reality.

So I already know how this life turns out!  Not the events, of course, for those are yet to be determined by my choices, by where I choose to focus my attention, etc.  But I know that my life turns out with the happiest of endings, returning to who I really am, with all those I have ever loved and who have ever loved me.

Step back

So what if something doesn’t go well, or even if something turns out “badly”?  Football, of all things, showed me yesterday that while I’m free to get uptight or anxious or worried about how some life event will go, I don’t have to feel that way.  I can always step back into a broader perspective, see things on a longer time scale, and remember that it all turns out just fine.

And I’ll bet that just by stepping back into that broader perspective and not getting all bent out of shape, things will go better anyway!

Hoodwinked: Uncovering our Fundamental Superstitions is an exploration of the concept of knowing and embracing a broader perspective…

Purchase your copy today and step into a broader experience of knowing.


About That Election…


On Being Impulsive