On Being Impulsive

I think the word impulsive has gotten a bad rap. It certainly has a negative connotation: we speak of making an “impulse buy,” and someone can be called “impulsive” when we judge them to be a little short on self-control.

But let’s look a little deeper at the meaning of impulsive 

The word “impulse” actually has a rigorous definition in physics.  It measures the average force applied to an object multiplied by the time that force is acting, and it’s equivalent to the change in momentum caused by that force.


Now momentum is a useful idea in considering how a human being engages the world.  Most of us know about downward spirals, in which aspects of our lives that are less than satisfactory often get worse.  Fortunately there are also upward spirals, in which our satisfaction in what’s going on seems to produce more satisfying results, as long as we aren’t “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Both of these trends embody momentum, and we experience what we call negative or positive momentum.  And then we often refer to the bad or good luck that creates that momentum.

Of course, there’s no such thing as luck in physics. 

But the science tells us that the momentum we’re experiencing is caused by an impulse. 

So it’s reasonable to ask whether there are negative and positive impulses.  I’ve found it useful instead to consider where the impulse in question is coming from.  Is it coming from my connection to universal mind, to all-that-is, or is it coming from my small mind that is doing its best to protect and serve me but is limited in the same way as a computer that’s not connected to the Internet.

How do you know?  The Seer’s Explanation says that the momentum produced by an impulse coming from all-that-is feels joyful and exciting and like floating downstream.  And the momentum produced by an impulse coming from a small mind feels frustrating and like paddling upstream.

Mastering that distinction, the one that shows up in the domain of feelings, will transform the quality of your life.  By all means be impulsive.  Just work on acting only on the impulses that produce momentum that feels good.  I know, I know… it sounds too easy.  It’s worth a try, though.

Want to learn more about how to be positively impulsive? Buy the book today and start acting positively impulsive.


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