Financial Independence

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I heard someone this week talking about wanting to be financially independent. And I wondered, what would that mean in the context of the Seer’s Explanation? For me, the phrase conjures up images of having: having lots of money, income, investments, financial instruments and the like.

And of course, that brings up questions about how much is enough, what about inflation and the ups and downs of markets, etc.

It seems to me that looked at from the conventional explanation of who we are and what the world is, there’s a lot to consider before one can declare oneself financially independent. From that perspective, we live in a world which exhibits a great deal of uncertainty. Businesses come and go, and some make it and some don’t. Some promises get kept and others don’t. Expectations are met, or not. In a world in which there’s only enough “stuff” to go around, or, in a word, where stuff is scarce, we are forced to compete with one another, and the actions of others can impact what we are able to gather up and how much of that we are able to retain.

That’s the conventional interpretation of reality: the “stuff” of life is real, and there’s only so much of it, and so we have to strive to gain more, and to protect what we have. The Seer’s Explanation, on the other hand, turns that interpretation of reality upside down.

Yes, the stuff of life is real, but it’s not as real as we are.

Is there another way to look at the idea of financial independence, one in which things aren’t so uncertain?

I think the way to answer that question is to look at what I really want. Do I really want lots of money (i.e. large numbers on a screen or piece of paper issued by a bank or similar organization), or do I really want the life experience that I believe those large numbers will bring me? When I get right down to it, what I really want is to FEEL independent, free to make the choices I wish to make, unfettered by the feelings associated with statements such as “I can’t afford that.”

And here’s where The Seer’s Explanation comes in handy: it says that the world shows up in accordance with the story I tell about my life. Can I really just start telling a different story, one in which many of my oft-declared financial limitations don’t appear? Yes. Certainly, it requires a great deal of practice to do that. And, I’m not alone when I do. I am an expression of Universal intelligence. I don’t have the answers about how to get from scarcity to abundance. But Universal intelligence does. Actually, it already knows how to get me from here to there. So what’s in the way? My beliefs to the contrary.

What if I could really accept that whenever I fully commit myself to follow a given path, the resources required to fulfill that path will appear?

That would be true financial independence. It wouldn’t require having anything but what I need at the moment. It wouldn’t require large numbers of people (i.e. markets) to behave in any particular manner. And it wouldn’t require any certainty besides the certainty with which I know who I really am.


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