Other people…

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I had an insight today about other people. It’s one thing to consider that we are creating the entirety of our experience when it comes to situations, even animals. But other people? And yet, what if we decide to try out looking at the world as if it is a perfect reflection of the way we look at the world?

In that view, our opinions, our preconceptions, our attitudes determine the content of our daily experience. And the physical manifestations we encounter are arranged by the Universe, by All-That-Is, in perfect resonance with all that, and even, if we’re open to it, a bit of humor.

There is someone in my life experience with whom the interaction got thrown off track somewhere. I was asked to take her off my mailing list, which I did. Recently, I have been asking the Universe where to go from here with The Seer’s Explanation. It’s available in a few bookstores and on Amazon. It’s out in the world… that work is done. But… now what?

So today this person comes to my house and we have a “sit-down.” I thought she wanted to get something off her chest about me or my actions. I thought she was probably upset with me. And then she shares something of her life with me, and I had the opportunity to just listen and allow her to be there, exactly where she was. And then she contributed a couple of perfect “search phrases” that I can use in helping people find my work.

She suggested “personal journey” and “self discovery”. Simple, and to-the-point.

Bless you, my friend.


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