Recommended reading


I recently finished reading The Trust Frequency, by Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow. It’s a wonderful book, and I find it to be an excellent complement to my book, The Seer’s Explanation.

In reading The Trust Frequency, one can feel and intuit the vastly deeper possibilities that lie within us. The book speaks directly to those in whom the certainty of the conventional explanation has been shattered, or at least questioned. I think The Seer’s Explanation sheds light on the nature of an explanation and why the universally accepted explanation keeps our real nature from emerging.

Similarly, The Seer’s Explanation, I believe, paints a convincing picture of what human life can be when that real nature does emerge. And The Trust Frequency, I think, can help us feel what it is to live that way.

Bravo to Bailey and Marlow!


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