So what?

The two preceding posts were about the relationship of quantum theory to the seer’s explanation.  It’s completely natural for a reader at this point to say, “So what?  What possible relevance is there in this discussion for me, for my desire to live a happier, more fulfilling life?”

Good question!

Well, what if there is a situation in your life that’s different from the way you really want that situation to be?

If that situation is embedded in a “real” world that is pretty much the way you perceive it to be, and you’re convinced it would be that way even if you were suddenly to disappear, then that situation becomes pretty hard to change.

If, however, you come to see that undesirable situation to be embedded in your description of your world, then you have some leverage you didn’t have in your previous understanding.  You can change your description, whereupon the world ultimately has to change to conform to your description!  That doesn’t happen overnight, of course, and so this effort to change your description requires a certain amount of faith, patience, and willingness to wait.  But ultimately, it will work.  That’s why it makes a difference which explanation you subscribe to, which one you believe!


Thinking about problems


About references to quantum theory – #2