Thinking about problems

I’ve been thinking about problems, whether they are of an individual nature, or community problems, or even problems on a global basis.  It seems clear that we call them problems because there are no apparent solutions in sight.  If solutions were obvious, we would just do what the solution dictates.  If, for example, there is a light switch, and the room is dark, you just flip the switch.  That the room is dark is not a problem if there is a switch.  It’s just a condition, or a state of being of the room.

Well, why aren’t solutions to our problems visible or obvious?

If we are in fact connected to infinite intelligence (as the seer’s explanation contends), solutions to our problems are immediate.  Whenever we report back to the “mother ship” – as it were – that there is a problem, the solution appears immediately.  And it’s the perfect solution.  Otherwise, it wouldn’t be infinite intelligence!

But we can’t see the solution, at least not right away.  And the reason for this is that we hold beliefs to the contrary.

Beliefs tend to mask or hide solutions.

And one of the critical beliefs that we hold is that we are separate from one another and from this infinite intelligence.  Or even that there is no such thing as infinite intelligence.

The conventional explanation of reality has it that I end where my skin is, and you begin where your skin is.  Furthermore, our bodies are what WE ARE, or at least they are containers of that which we are.  Relinquishing that belief is what I refer to in The Seer’s Explanation as “losing the human form.”  As the mind quiets down, our personal awareness begins to flow “outward”, to expand, to merge with others’ awareness and eventually, however haltingly at first, with infinite intelligence.  And as this process unfolds, the solutions to our problems appear.

Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that they cease being problems and reveal themselves to be simply conditions.


About failure


So what?