Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Knowing how it turns out…

Yesterday I watched the Indianapolis Colts versus “my” Denver Broncos, having recorded the game last Sunday. Because I follow the news to some degree, naturally I already knew how the game turned out.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

On Being Impulsive

I think the word impulsive has gotten a bad rap. It certainly has a negative connotation: we speak of making an “impulse buy,” and someone can be called “impulsive” when we judge them to be a little short on self-control.

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The work worth doing
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

The work worth doing

It occurs to me that the only work worth doing is the work required to take my attention back from the small mind.

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About compassion
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

About compassion

I’ve never thought of myself as being particularly compassionate. I know… one is supposed to be compassionate, part of being a “better person.” But what does that mean?

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Financial Independence
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Financial Independence

I heard someone this week talking about wanting to be financially independent. And I wondered, what would that mean in the context of the Seer’s Explanation? For me, the phrase conjures up images of having: having lots of money, income, investments, financial instruments and the like.

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Other people…
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Other people…

It’s one thing to consider that we are creating the entirety of our experience when it comes to situations, even animals. But other people?

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Recommended reading
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Recommended reading

I recently finished reading The Trust Frequency, by Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow. It’s a wonderful book, and I find it to be an excellent complement to my book, The Seer’s Explanation.

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What’s this blog about, anyway?
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

What’s this blog about, anyway?

Virtually every time I’ve been asked that question I’ve given a different answer. I recently spoke with a dear long-time friend who happens to be an entertainment lawyer, and he said I should be able to answer the question in two sentences.

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Observing the mind
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Observing the mind

I had an opportunity a couple of weeks ago to view up-close the behavior of the mind when confronted with a glimpse of who we really are.

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Desire Has Been Given a Bad Name
Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Desire Has Been Given a Bad Name

It seems to me that desire has been given a bad name, especially among some of us “spiritual” types. And even among mildly counter-cultural folks, as in “desire for money and nice things is the root of all evil.”

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

About failure

For human beings – in my life, at least – the idea of failure seems to be a constant threat. In fact, for me the fear of failure has probably closed more doors than has actual failure.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Thinking about problems

I’ve been thinking about problems, whether they are of an individual nature, or community problems, or even problems on a global basis. It seems clear that we call them problems because there are no apparent solutions in sight. If solutions were obvious, we would just do what the solution dictates.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

So what?

The two preceding posts were about the relationship of quantum theory to the seer’s explanation. It’s completely natural for a reader at this point to say, “So what? What possible relevance is there in this discussion for me, for my desire to live a happier, more fulfilling life?”

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

About references to quantum theory – #1

I’ve noticed that when I bring up the topic of quantum theory in my discussions with people about The Seer’s Explanation, people have a tendency to stiffen up! I guess it comes off as a scary topic, but it needn’t be. In this post I’d like to try explain why that is. You may even find it liberating!

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Contrasting explanations

As I continue to think about the ideas in my book, The Seer’s Explanation, I’m struck again and again, first by the fact of – and then by the role played by – dreaming in our lives.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

About results

What results have you seen in your own life as a result of this explanation?

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

Testing The Seer’s Explanation

When I was in high school I discovered I had a passion for understanding how the world works. So upon graduation I went off to college to study physics. Surely, I thought, that most basic of sciences would enable me to fulfill that passion.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb

My purpose…

My purpose in publishing this blog is to further flesh out the seer’s explanation. Please bear in mind that I do not advance this explanation like I think it’s the Truth.

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Larry Gottlieb Larry Gottlieb


I intend to use this blog to respond to comments and questions from my readers, or indeed anyone who may be interested. Or, I may just feel inspired at 2 o’clock in the morning. We’ll see…

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